E-mails & A.G.M items

Please see below for news and comments about the club:

Dear members

Here is notice for our A.G.M.  which will be held at The Old Crown Paganhill on Wednesday 15th November at 7.30 pm, where tea/coffee and cake will be served.

Please ensure you send any items for discussion to our Secretary Jenny Sawtell before 25th October.

Most of the officers and committee members are willing to stand again with the exception of  the Booking Secretary  and the General Secretary.

Please consider putting your name forward for one of these roles.

The General Secretary is the point of contact for the club, and receives and processes any mail, takes minutes of committee meetings and circulates them to committee members.

The Booking Secretary is responsible for booking events and holidays.  Jenny or Tessa will be happy to explain what the roles entail.

These are both important roles as without them there will be no holidays etc. and the committee would be unable to function.

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